Source code for all

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This module contains all functionalities that are not already organized into the other files.  New functionalities written to the library often appear here, and eventually get organized into separate files.


- Matthew Lancellotti (2018): Initial version


.. [Fun] `Raising operators and the Littlewood-Richardson polynomials <>`_.  Fun, Alex.
.. [LN] `Finite sum Cauchy identity for dual Grothendieck polynomials <>`_.

#  Copyright (C) 2018 Matthew Lancellotti <>
#  Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL)

from sage.all import *

from core import *
import core
from partition import *
import partition
from partition import _is_sequence
from skew_partition import *
import skew_partition
from k_shape import *
import k_shape
from root_ideal import *
import root_ideal
from strong_marked_tableau import *
import strong_marked_tableau
SetPartitionsAk = None
SetPartitionsBk = None
SetPartitionsIk = None
SetPartitionsPRk = None
SetPartitionsPk = None
SetPartitionsRk = None
SetPartitionsSk = None
SetPartitionsTk = None

def _is_k_schur(obj):
    r""" Helper function.

    Checks if ``obj`` is coming from the 'kSchur_with_category' class.


    An example of a `k`-schur function::

        sage: Sym = SymmetricFunctions(QQ)
        sage: KB = Sym.kBoundedSubspace(3,1)
        sage: ks = KB.kschur()
        sage: _is_k_schur(ks[2, 1] + ks[1, 1])

    The following is a schur function, *not* a `k`-schur function:

        sage: Sym = SymmetricFunctions(QQ)
        sage: s = Sym.schur()
        sage: _is_k_schur(s[2, 1] + s[1, 1])
        classname = obj.parent().__class__.__name__
        return classname == 'kSchur_with_category'
        return False

[docs]def get_k_rectangles(k): r""" Return the list of ``k``-rectangles. A __``k``-rectangle__ is a partition whose Ferrer's diagram is a rectangle whose largest hook-length is `k`. EXAMPLES:: sage: get_k_rectangles(0) [] sage: get_k_rectangles(1) [[1]] sage: get_k_rectangles(2) [[2], [1, 1]] sage: get_k_rectangles(3) [[3], [2, 2], [1, 1, 1]] """ return [Partition([a] * b) for (a, b) in k_rectangle_dimension_list(k)]
[docs]def get_k_irreducible_partition_lists(k): r""" Return the list of ``k``-irreducible partitions. The `k`-irreducible partitions are output at lists, not Partition objects. There are `k!` such partitions, and computation time starts to get slow around `k = 10`. EXAMPLES:: sage: get_k_irreducible_partition_lists(0) [[]] sage: get_k_irreducible_partition_lists(1) [[]] sage: get_k_irreducible_partition_lists(2) [[], [1]] sage: get_k_irreducible_partition_lists(3) [[], [1], [1, 1], [2], [2, 1], [2, 1, 1]] .. SEEALSO:: :meth:`get_k_irreducible_partitions` """ k = NonNegativeIntegerSemiring()(k) k_irr_ptns = [[]] # NO rows of length k for i in range(1, k): new_k_irr_ptns = [] for ptn in k_irr_ptns: # at most i rows of length k-i where 1 <= i < k for num_rows in range(0, i+1): new_ptn = ptn + [k-i]*num_rows new_k_irr_ptns.append(new_ptn) k_irr_ptns = new_k_irr_ptns return k_irr_ptns
[docs]def get_k_irreducible_partitions(k): r""" Return the list of ``k``-irreducible partitions. The output is a list of :class:`Partition` objects. There are `k!` such partitions, and computation time starts to get slow around `k = 10`. EXAMPLES:: sage: get_k_irreducible_partitions(0) [[]] sage: get_k_irreducible_partitions(1) [[]] sage: get_k_irreducible_partitions(2) [[], [1]] sage: get_k_irreducible_partitions(3) [[], [1], [1, 1], [2], [2, 1], [2, 1, 1]] .. SEEALSO:: :meth:`get_k_irreducible_partition_lists` """ return [Partition(e) for e in get_k_irreducible_partition_lists(k)]
[docs]def size_to_num_linked_partition_self_pairs(size): r""" Given a natural number ``size``, count how many partitions `l` of size ``size`` have the property that `(l, l)` has a corresponding skew-linked-diagram. Note: A 'skew-linked-diagram' is a :class:`SkewPartition` that is linked. EXAMPLES:: sage: size_to_num_linked_partition_self_pairs(0) 1 sage: size_to_num_linked_partition_self_pairs(1) 1 sage: size_to_num_linked_partition_self_pairs(2) 1 sage: size_to_num_linked_partition_self_pairs(3) 2 .. SEEALSO:: :meth:`SkewPartition.is_linked` """ # DO NOT ADD TO SAGE ps = Partitions(size) count = 0 for p in ps: try: row_col_to_skew_partition(p, p) except: pass else: count += 1 return count
def print_sequence(func, num_terms=float('inf')): # DO NOT ADD TO SAGE n = 0 while n < num_terms: print('n={}\t{}=f(n)'.format(n, func(n)))
[docs]def size_to_k_shapes(n, k): # DO NOT ADD TO SAGE r""" Return all partitions of size ``n`` that are ``k``-shapes. """ return [ptn for ptn in Partitions(n) if is_k_shape(ptn, k)]
def size_to_num_k_shapes(n, k): # DO NOT ADD TO SAGE return len(size_to_k_shapes(n, k))
[docs]def straighten(basis, gamma): r""" Perform Schur function straightening by the Schur straightening rule. See [cat]_, Prop. 4.1. Also known as the slinky rule. .. MATH:: s_{\gamma}(\mathbf{x}) = \begin{cases} \text{sgn}(\gamma+\rho) s_{\text{sort}(\gamma+\rho) -\rho}(\mathbf{x}) & \text{if } \gamma + \rho \text{ has distinct nonnegative parts,} \\ 0 & \text{otherwise,} \end{cases} where `\rho=(\ell-1,\ell-2,\dots,0)`, `\text{sort}(\beta)` denotes the weakly decreasing sequence obtained by sorting `\beta`, and `\text{sgn}(\beta)` denotes the sign of the (shortest possible) sorting permutation. EXAMPLES: We know s[2, 1, 3] := -s[2, 2, 2]:: sage: s = SymmetricFunctions(QQ).s() sage: straighten(s, [2, 1, 3]) -s[2, 2, 2] """ def has_nonnegative_parts(lis): return all(e >= 0 for e in lis) def has_distinct_parts(lis): return len(set(lis)) == len(lis) def number_of_noninversions(lis): num = 0 for i in range(len(lis)): for j in range(i + 1, len(lis)): # i < j is already enforced if lis[i] < lis[j]: num += 1 return num gamma = Composition(gamma) if basis.__class__.__name__ in ('SymmetricFunctionAlgebra_monomial_with_category', 'SymmetricFunctionAlgebra_dual_with_category'): raise NotImplemented( 'Straightening does not exist (that i know of) for the monomial basis or the forgotten/dual basis.') elif basis.__class__.__name__ == 'HallLittlewood_qp_with_category': return compositional_hall_littlewood_Qp(gamma, base_ring=basis.base_ring(), t=basis.t) elif basis.__class__.__name__ in ('SymmetricFunctionAlgebra_homogeneous_with_category', 'SymmetricFunctionAlgebra_elementary_with_category', 'SymmetricFunctionAlgebra_power_with_category', 'SymmetricFunctionAlgebra_witt_with_category'): new_gamma = list(reversed(sorted(gamma))) if has_nonnegative_parts(new_gamma): return basis(Partition(new_gamma)) else: return 0 elif basis.__class__.__name__ == 'SymmetricFunctionAlgebra_schur_with_category': rho = list(range(len(gamma) - 1, -1, -1)) combined = [g + r for g, r in zip(gamma, rho)] if has_distinct_parts(combined) and has_nonnegative_parts(combined): sign = (-1)**number_of_noninversions(combined) sort_combined = reversed(sorted(combined)) new_gamma = [sc - r for sc, r in zip(sort_combined, rho)] return sign * basis(Partition(new_gamma)) else: return 0 else: raise ValueError( "The input parameter 'basis' should be a symmetric function basis. For example, 's = SymmetricFunctions(QQ).s(); straighten(s, [2, 1, 3])', or one could use 'h' instead of 's'.")
[docs]class ShiftingSequenceSpace(): r""" A helper for :class:`ShiftingOperatorAlgebra.` Helps :class:`ShiftingOperatorAlgebra` know which indices are valid and which indices are not for the basis. EXAMPLES:: sage: S = ShiftingSequenceSpace() sage: (1, -1) in S True sage: (1, -1, 0, 9) in S True sage: [1, -1] in S False sage: (0.5, 1) in S False """ def __init__(self, base=IntegerRing()): self.base = base # category = InfiniteEnumeratedSets() # Parent.__init__(self, category=category) def __contains__(self, seq): r""" Returns ``True`` if and only if ``seq`` is a valid shifting sequence. EXAMPLES:: sage: S = ShiftingSequenceSpace() sage: (1, -1) in S True sage: (1, -1, 0, 9) in S True sage: [1, -1] in S False sage: (0.5, 1) in S False """ if not isinstance(seq, tuple): return False return not any(i not in self.base for i in seq) CHECK_ERROR_MESSAGE = 'Expected valid index (a tuple of {base}), but instead received {seq}.'
[docs] def check(self, seq): r""" Verify that ``seq`` is a valid shifting sequence. If it is not, raise an error. EXAMPLES:: sage: S = ShiftingSequenceSpace() sage: S.check((1, -1)) sage: S.check((1, -1, 0, 9)) sage: S.check([1, -1]) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Expected valid index (a tuple of Integer Ring), but instead received [1, -1]. sage: S.check((0.5, 1)) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Expected valid index (a tuple of Integer Ring), but instead received [1, -1]. """ if not self.__contains__(seq): raise ValueError(self.CHECK_ERROR_MESSAGE.format( base=self.base, seq=seq))
[docs]class RaisingSequenceSpace(ShiftingSequenceSpace): r""" A helper for :class:`RaisingOperatorAlgebra`. Helps :class:`RaisingOperatorAlgebra` know which indices are valid and which indices are not for the basis. EXAMPLES:: sage: RS = RaisingSequenceSpace() sage: (1, -1) in RS True sage: (1, 0, -1) in RS True sage: (1, -1, 0, 9) in RS False sage: [1, -1] in RS False """ CHECK_ERROR_MESSAGE = 'Expected valid index (a tuple of {base} elements, where every partial sum is nonnegative and every total sum is 0), but instead received {seq}.' def __contains__(self, seq): r""" Returns ``True`` if and only if ``seq`` is a valid raising sequence. EXAMPLES:: sage: RS = RaisingSequenceSpace() sage: (1, -1) in RS True sage: (1, 0, -1) in RS True sage: (1, -1, 0, 9) in RS False sage: [1, -1] in RS False """ # check that it is a shifting sequence if not ShiftingSequenceSpace.__contains__(self, seq): return False # check that every partial sum is nonnegative partial_sum = 0 for term in seq: partial_sum += term if partial_sum < 0: return False # check that total sum is 0 if partial_sum != 0: return False # finally, succeed return True
[docs]class ShiftingOperatorAlgebra(CombinatorialFreeModule): r""" An algebra of shifting operators. We follow the following convention: S[(1, 0, -1, 2)] is the shifting operator that raises the first part by 1, lowers the third part by 1, and raises the fourth part by 2. OPTIONAL ARGUMENTS: - ``base_ring`` -- (default ``QQ['t']``) the ring you will use on the raising operators. - ``prefix`` -- (default ``"R"``) the label for the raising operators. EXAMPLES:: sage: S = ShiftingOperatorAlgebra() sage: s = SymmetricFunctions(QQ['t']).s() sage: h = SymmetricFunctions(QQ['t']).h() sage: S[(1, -1, 2)] S(1, -1, 2) sage: S[(1, -1, 2)](s[5, 4]) s[6, 3, 2] sage: S[(1, -1, 2)](h[5, 4]) h[6, 3, 2] sage: (1 - S[(1,-1)]) * (1 - S[(4,)]) S() - S(1, -1) - S(4,) + S(5, -1) sage: ((1 - S[(1,-1)]) * (1 - S[(4,)]))(s[2, 2, 1]) s[2, 2, 1] - s[3, 1, 1] - s[6, 2, 1] + s[7, 1, 1] .. SEEALSO:: :class:`RaisingOperatorAlgebra`, :class:`PieriOperatorAlgebra` """ def __init__(self, base_ring=QQ['t'], prefix='S', basis_indices=ShiftingSequenceSpace()): self._prefix = prefix self._base_ring = base_ring # a single basis index looks like (1, 0, -1, 2), for example self._basis_indices = basis_indices # category category = Algebras(self._base_ring.category()).WithBasis() category = category.or_subcategory(category) # init CombinatorialFreeModule.__init__( self, self._base_ring, self._basis_indices, category=category, prefix=self._prefix, bracket=False) def __getitem__(self, seq): r""" Return the shifting operator whose index is ``seq``. This method is only for basis indices. EXAMPLES:: sage: S = ShiftingOperatorAlgebra() sage: S[1, 1, -9] S(1, 1, -9) """ # seq should be a basis index self._basis_indices.check(seq) return self.basis()[seq] def _element_constructor_(self, seq): r""" Return the shifting operator whose index is ``seq``. This method is only for basis indices. EXAMPLES:: sage: S = ShiftingOperatorAlgebra() sage: S._element_constructor_([1, 1, -9]) S(1, 1, -9) sage: S[1, 1, -9] S(1, 1, -9) """ return self.__getitem__(seq)
[docs] @cached_method def one_basis(self): r""" Return the index of the identity element. EXAMPLES:: sage: S = ShiftingOperatorAlgebra() sage: S.one_basis() () """ return tuple()
def _repr_(self): r""" Return a string describing ``self`` to humans. EXAMPLES:: sage: S = ShiftingOperatorAlgebra() sage: S Shifting Operator Algebra over Univariate Polynomial Ring in t over Rational Field """ return "Shifting Operator Algebra over {base_ring}".format(base_ring=self._base_ring)
[docs] def product_on_basis(self, index1, index2): r""" Given indices ``index1`` and ``index2``, return the product of the basis elements indexed by those indices. EXAMPLES:: sage: S = ShiftingOperatorAlgebra() sage: S.product_on_basis([1, 1], [0, 1, 2]) S(1, 2, 2) """ # pad with 0's max_len = max(len(index1), len(index2)) index1 = tuple(index1) + (0,) * (max_len - len(index1)) index2 = tuple(index2) + (0,) * (max_len - len(index2)) # add the vectors index_product = tuple(i1 + i2 for i1, i2 in zip(index1, index2)) return self.__getitem__(index_product)
[docs] class Element(CombinatorialFreeModule.Element): r""" An element of a :class`ShiftingOperatorAlgebra`. """
[docs] def indices(self): r""" Return the support of ``self``. EXAMPLES:: sage: S = ShiftingOperatorAlgebra() sage: (S[2, 1] + S[1, 1]).indices() [(1, 1), (2, 1)] """ return
[docs] def index(self): r""" Return the index of ``self``. This method is only for basis elements. EXAMPLES:: sage: S = ShiftingOperatorAlgebra() sage: S[2, 1].index() (2, 1) sage: (S[2, 1] + S[1, 1]).index() Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: This is only defined for basis elements. For other elements, use indices() instead. """ if len(self) != 1: raise ValueError( "This is only defined for basis elements. For other elements, use indices() instead.") return self.indices()[0]
def _call_basis_on_index(self, seq, index): """ For internal use only! Return the action of the basis element indexed by ``seq`` upon the composition ``index``. INPUTS: - ``seq`` -- The sequence of the basis element that acts. - ``index`` -- A sequence (typically a composition or a partition) that we act upon. EXAMPLES:: sage: S = ShiftingOperatorAlgebra() sage: S[2, 1]._call_basis_on_index([1, 1], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) [2, 3, 3, 4, 5] .. SEEALSO:: :meth:`__call__` """ assert _is_sequence(index) # pad sequence and index with 0's index = list(index) + [0] * (len(seq) - len(index)) seq = tuple(seq) + (0,) * (len(index) - len(seq)) # raise and drop return [v + s for v, s in zip(index, seq)] def __call__(self, operand): r""" Return the action of this shifting operator element on the index ``operand``. EXAMPLES:: sage: S = ShiftingOperatorAlgebra() sage: S[2, 1]([1, 2, 3, 4]) [([3, 3, 3, 4], 1)] sage: S[2, 1](([1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 1, 1])) ([([3, 3, 3, 4], 1)], [([3, 2, 1], 1)]) sage: Sym = SymmetricFunctions(QQ['t']) sage: s = Sym.schur() sage: S[2, 1](s[4, 3, 2, 1]) s[6, 4, 2, 1] """ def raise_func(seq, operand): # seq is the index if _is_sequence(operand): return self._call_basis_on_index(seq, operand) else: # it's some symmetric function basis element parent_basis = operand.parent() # but does the base ring of the parent basis agree with the base ring of the operator algebra?? # process the vectors dic = operand.monomial_coefficients() assert len(dic) == 1 # occasionally a coefficient can show up (not cool, so consider the inclusion of coeff here a patch) (composition, coeff) = dic.items()[0] out_composition = raise_func(seq, composition) if parent_basis.__class__.__name__ in ( 'SymmetricFunctionAlgebra_homogeneous_with_category', 'SymmetricFunctionAlgebra_elementary_with_category', 'SymmetricFunctionAlgebra_power_with_category', 'SymmetricFunctionAlgebra_witt_with_category', 'SymmetricFunctionAlgebra_schur_with_category', 'HallLittlewood_qp_with_category'): return coeff * straighten(parent_basis, out_composition) else: return coeff * parent_basis(out_composition) def call_monomial(seq, coeff, operand, power=1): for _ in range(power): operand = raise_func(seq, operand) return (operand, coeff) # start here if hasattr(operand, '_get_indices_for_index_operator'): indices = operand._get_indices_for_index_operator() # TODO: see if this works for TUPLES of indices. This has only been tested for a single index. new_indices = self.__call__(indices)[0][0] out = operand._new_object_for_index_operator(new_indices) return out elif isinstance(operand, tuple): # the operand is actually a tuple of operands, so perform __call__ on each piece return tuple(self.__call__(op) for op in operand) elif _is_sequence(operand): # the operand is some kind of composition return [call_monomial(index, coeff, operand) for index, coeff in self] else: # the operand is a symmetric function if len(operand) > 1: # the operand looks like s[2, 1] + s[3], for example return sum(self.__call__(summand) for summand in operand.terms()) else: out_list = [call_monomial(index, coeff, operand) for index, coeff in self] return sum(coeff * mon for mon, coeff in out_list)
[docs]class RaisingOperatorAlgebra(ShiftingOperatorAlgebra): r""" An algebra of raising operators. This class subclasses :class:`ShiftingOperatorAlgebra` and inherits the large majority of its functionality from there. We follow the following convention!: R[(1, 0, -1)] is the raising operator that raises the first part by 1 and lowers the third part by 1. For a definition of raising operators, see [cat]_ Definition 2.1, but be wary that the notation is different there. See :meth:`ij` for a way to create operators using the notation in the paper. If you do NOT want any restrictions on the allowed sequences, use :class:`ShiftingOperatorAlgebra` instead of :class:`RaisingOperatorAlgebra`. OPTIONAL ARGUMENTS: - ``base_ring`` -- (default ``QQ['t']``) the ring you will use on the raising operators. - ``prefix`` -- (default ``"R"``) the label for the raising operators. EXAMPLES:: sage: R = RaisingOperatorAlgebra() sage: s = SymmetricFunctions(QQ['t']).s() sage: h = SymmetricFunctions(QQ['t']).h() sage: R[(1, -1)] R(1, -1) sage: R[(1, -1)](s[5, 4]) s[6, 3] sage: R[(1, -1)](h[5, 4]) h[6, 3] sage: (1 - R[(1,-1)]) * (1 - R[(0,1,-1)]) R() - R(0, 1, -1) - R(1, -1) + R(1, 0, -1) sage: ((1 - R[(1,-1)]) * (1 - R[(0,1,-1)]))(s[2, 2, 1]) (-3*t-2)*s[] + s[2, 2, 1] - s[3, 1, 1] + s[3, 2] .. SEEALSO:: :class:`ShiftingOperatorAlgebra` """ def __init__(self, base_ring=QQ['t'], prefix='R'): ShiftingOperatorAlgebra.__init__(self, base_ring=base_ring, prefix=prefix, basis_indices=RaisingSequenceSpace())
[docs] def ij(self, i, j): r""" Return the raising operator `R_{ij}` as notated in [cat]_ Definition 2.1. Shorthand element constructor that allows you to create raising operators using the familiar `R_{ij}` notation found in [cat]_ Definition 2.1, with the exception that indices here are 0-based, not 1-based. EXAMPLES: Create the raising operator which raises part 0 and lowers part 2 (indices are 0-based):: sage: R.ij(0, 2) R((1, 0, -1)) .. SEEALSO:: :meth:`ShiftingOperatorAlgebra._element_constructor_`, :meth:`ShiftingOperatorAlgebra.__getitem__` """ if not i in NonNegativeIntegerSemiring(): raise ValueError( 'i must be a natural number. You input i = {i}.'.format(i=i)) if not j in NonNegativeIntegerSemiring(): raise ValueError( 'j must be a natural number. You input j = {j}.'.format(j=j)) if not i < j: raise ValueError( 'Index j must be greater than index i. You input (i, j) = ({i}, {j}).'.format(i=i, j=j)) seq = [0] * (max(i, j) + 1) seq[i] = 1 seq[j] = -1 seq = tuple(seq) return self._element_constructor_(seq)
[docs]class PieriOperatorAlgebra(ShiftingOperatorAlgebra): r""" The Pieri operator `u_i`. EXAMPLES:: sage: u = PieriOperatorAlgebra() Act on catalan function:: sage: cf = CatalanFunction([(0,2), (1,2)], [6, 6, 6]) sage: u.i(2)(cf) CatalanFunction([(0,2), (1,2)], [6, 6, 5]) Act on k-schur function:: sage: base_ring = QQ['t'] sage: Sym = SymmetricFunctions(base_ring) sage: t = base_ring.gen() sage: ks = Sym.kBoundedSubspace(4, t).kschur() sage: u.i(2)(ks[2, 2, 1]) ks4[2, 2, 1] + t^2*ks4[3, 2] + t^3*ks4[4, 1] .. SEEALSO:: :class:`ShiftingOperatorAlgebra` """ # TODO: verify by hand that above is really correct, or maybe a simpler example def __init__(self, base_ring=QQ['t'], prefix='u'): ShiftingOperatorAlgebra.__init__(self, base_ring=base_ring, prefix=prefix, basis_indices=ShiftingSequenceSpace())
[docs] def i(self, i): r""" Return the Pieri operator `u_i`. Shorthand element constructor that allows you to create Pieri operators using the familiar `u_i` notation, with the exception that indices here are 0-based, not 1-based. EXAMPLES: Create the Pieri operator which lowers part 2 (indices are 0-based):: sage: u.i(2) u((0, 0, -1)) .. SEEALSO:: :meth:`ShiftingOperatorAlgebra._element_constructor_`, :meth:`ShiftingOperatorAlgebra.__getitem__` """ if not i in NonNegativeIntegerSemiring(): raise ValueError( 'i must be a natural number. You input i = {i}.'.format(i=i)) seq = [0] * (i + 1) seq[i] = -1 seq = tuple(seq) return self._element_constructor_(seq)
class Element(ShiftingOperatorAlgebra.Element): def __call__(self, operand): r""" Return the action of this raising operator element on the index ``operand``. EXAMPLES:: sage: R = RaisingOperatorAlgebra() sage: R[1, -1]([1, 2, 3, 4]) [([2, 1, 3, 4], 1)] sage: R[1, -1](([1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 1, 1])) ([([2, 1, 3, 4], 1)], [([2, 0, 1], 1)]) sage: Sym = SymmetricFunctions(QQ['t']) sage: s = Sym.schur() sage: R[1, -1](s[4, 3, 2, 1]) s[5, 2, 2, 1] """ if _is_k_schur(operand): # convert to catalans kschur = operand.parent() base_ring = kschur.base_ring() cat_coeff_pairs = [ (CatalanFunctions().init_from_k_schur( kschur(index), base_ring=base_ring), coeff) for index, coeff in operand] # act new_cat_coeff_pairs = [(self.__call__(cat), coeff) for cat, coeff in cat_coeff_pairs] # convert back to kschur out_coeff_pairs = [(kschur(cat.eval()), coeff) for cat, coeff in cat_coeff_pairs] return sum(coeff * func for func, coeff in out_coeff_pairs) else: return ShiftingOperatorAlgebra.Element.__call__(self, operand)
[docs]class HallLittlewoodVertexOperator: r""" The Hall-Littlewood vertex operator. Garsia's version of Jing's Hall-Littlewood vertex operators. These are defined in equations 4.2 and 4.3 of [cat]_ and appear visually as a bold capital H. INPUTS: - ``base_ring`` -- (default ``QQ['t']``) the base ring to build the :class:`SymmetricFunctions` upon. EXAMPLES:: sage: H = HallLittlewoodVertexOperator sage: one = SymmetricFunctions(QQ['t']).hall_littlewood().Qp().one() sage: H([4, 1, 3])(one) == H(4)(H(1)(H(3)(one))) True .. SEEALSO:: :meth:`sage.combinat.sf.new_kschur.KBoundedSubspaceBases.ElementMethods.hl_creation_operator` """ def __init__(self, composition, base_ring=QQ['t'], t=None): if composition in NonNegativeIntegerSemiring(): self.composition = Composition([composition]) elif _is_sequence(composition): self.composition = Composition(composition) else: raise ValueError('Bad composition.') self.base_ring = base_ring self.sym = SymmetricFunctions(self.base_ring) self._t = t def __repr__(self): r""" Return a human-friendly string representation of this Hall-Littlewood vertex operator. This string also serves as an example of what somebody might type to create this Hall-Littlewood vertex operator in sage. EXAMPLES:: sage: H = HallLittlewoodVertexOperator sage: H([4, 1, 3]) HallLittlewoodVertexOperator([4, 1, 3]) """ return '{}({})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.composition) def _hh(self, k): r""" Internal helper function. Return the homogeneous function indexed by the integer ``k``. EXAMPLES:: sage: op = HallLittlewoodVertexOperator([4, 1, 3]) sage: op._hh(-2) 0 sage: op._hh(-1) 0 sage: op._hh(0) s[] sage: op._hh(1) s[1] sage: op._hh(2) s[2] """ # homogeneous indexed by an integer k (positive or negative) # if k is less than 0, result is 0 # if k == 0, result is s([]) # if k > 0, then the result is s([k]) sym = self.sym s = sym.s() if k == 0: return elif k < 0: # 0, but as a sym func return 0 * elif k > 0: return s([k]) else: raise ValueError def _skewbyeeq(self, k, f): r""" Internal helper function. Given integer ``k`` and function ``f``, return the function `f` skewed by e[k](1-t). """ # skew by e[k](1-t) sym = self.sym e = sym.e() if self._t is None: t = self.base_ring.gen() else: t = self._t if k == 0: return f elif k < 0: # 0, but as a sym func return 0 * f elif k > 0: return f.skew_by(e([k]).theta_qt(t, 0)) else: raise ValueError def _op(self, m, f): r""" Internal helper function. This method is Jing's Hall-Littlewood creation operator. .. SEEALSO:: :meth:`sage.combinat.sf.new_kschur.KBoundedSubspaceBases.ElementMethods.hl_creation_operator` """ return sum((-1)**k * self._hh(m+k) * self._skewbyeeq(k, f) for k in range( + 1)) def __call__(self, input_): r""" Return the action of this Hall-Littlewood operator on ``input_``. INPUTS: - ``input_`` -- A symmetric function. EXAMPLES: We typically act on the identity, so let's retrieve the identity:: sage: Sym = SymmetricFunctions(QQ['t']) sage: hl = Sym.hall_littlewood().Qp() sage: one = Let's look at the action of `H_{4, 1, 3}` on the identity:: sage: H = HallLittlewoodVertexOperator sage: H([4, 1, 3])(one) (t-1)*HLQp[4, 2, 2] + t*HLQp[4, 3, 1] .. SEEALSO:: :meth:`sage.combinat.sf.new_kschur.KBoundedSubspaceBases.ElementMethods.hl_creation_operator` """ gamma = self.composition sym = self.sym if self._t is None: HLQp = sym.hall_littlewood().Qp() else: HLQp = sym.hall_littlewood(t=self._t).Qp() # iterate for part in reversed(gamma): input_ = self._op(part, input_) return HLQp(input_)
[docs]def compositional_hall_littlewood_Qp(gamma, base_ring=QQ['t'], t=None): r""" Given gamma, returns the compositional Hall-Littlewood polynomial `H_{\gamma}(\mathbf{x}; t)` in the Q' basis, as defined in [cat]_ section 4.4. If the composition gamma is a partition, this is just the Hall-Littlewood Q' polynomial. EXAMPLES:: sage: hl = SymmetricFunctions(QQ['t']).hall_littlewood().Qp() sage: compositional_hall_littlewood_Qp([3, 3, 2]) == hl[3, 3, 2] True .. SEEALSO:: :meth:`sage.combinat.sf.hall_littlewood.HallLittlewood.Qp` """ sym = SymmetricFunctions(base_ring) if t is None: HLQp = sym.hall_littlewood().Qp() else: HLQp = sym.hall_littlewood(t=t).Qp() if is_weakly_decreasing(gamma) and all(term > 0 for term in gamma[:-1]) and ((not gamma) or gamma[-1] >=0): # this is MUCH faster than the HallLittlewoodVertexOperator for partitions of length 5ish gamma = Partition(gamma) return HLQp(gamma) else: H = HallLittlewoodVertexOperator return H(gamma, base_ring=base_ring, t=t)(
[docs]def raising_roots_operator(roots, base_ring=QQ['t'], t=1): r""" Return the operator `\prod_{(i,j) \in roots} (1 - tR_{ij})`. Given a list of roots `roots = \Phi` (often a root ideal), and optionally a variable `t`, return the operator .. MATH:: \prod_{(i,j) \in \Phi} (1 - tR_{ij}). If you input an integer for roots (e.g. ``roots = 3``), it will use the biggest possible root ideal in the `n` x `n` grid (the '`n`-th staircase root ideal'). EXAMPLES: Consider the root ideal [(0, 1)] in the 2 x 2 grid. This root ideal gives the raising roots operator `1 - R_{01}`:: sage: R = RaisingOperatorAlgebra() sage: 1 - R.ij(0, 1) R() - R(1, -1) sage: raising_roots_operator([(0, 1)]) R() - R(1, -1) sage: raising_roots_operator(2) R() - R(1, -1) We can pass in `t` in addition to get the raising roots operator `1 - t R_{01}`. We can also choose a base ring to work over:: sage: K = FractionField(ZZ['t']) sage: t = K.gen() sage: R = RaisingOperatorAlgebra(base_ring=K) sage: 1 - t * R.ij(0, 1) R() - t*R(1, -1) sage: raising_roots_operator([(0, 1)], base_ring=K, t=t) R() - t*R(1, -1) sage: raising_roots_operator(2, base_ring=K, t=t) R() - t*R(1, -1) .. SEEALSO:: :meth:`qt_raising_roots_operator`, :class:`CatalanFunction` """ R = RaisingOperatorAlgebra(base_ring=base_ring) if roots in NonNegativeIntegerSemiring(): roots = RootIdeals().init_staircase(roots) op = prod([1 - t*R.ij(i, j) for (i, j) in roots], return op
[docs]def qt_raising_roots_operator(roots, base_ring=QQ['t', 'q'], t=None, q=None): r""" Return the operator `\prod_{ij \in \Phi} (1 - tR_{ij}) \prod_{ij \in roots} (1 - qR_{ij})`. The q-t analogue of :meth:`raising_roots_operator`, defined by .. MATH:: \prod_{ij \in \Phi} (1 - tR_{ij}) \prod_{ij \in \Phi} (1 - qR_{ij}). EXAMPLES: Consider the root ideal [(0, 1)] in the 2 x 2 grid. This root ideal gives the "qt" raising roots operator `(1 - t R_{01})(1 - q R_{01})` which equals `1 + (-t-q) R_{01} + t q R_{01}^2`:: sage: K = QQ['t', 'q'] sage: (t, q) = K.gens() sage: R = RaisingOperatorAlgebra(base_ring=K) sage: (1 - t*R.ij(0, 1)) * (1 - q*R.ij(0, 1)) R() + (-t-q)*R(1, -1) + t*q*R(2, -2) sage: qt_raising_roots_operator([(0, 1)], base_ring=K, t=t, q=q) R() + (-t-q)*R(1, -1) + t*q*R(2, -2) Since ``QQ['t', 'q']`` happens to be the default base ring, and its generators are ``t`` and ``q``, we did not actually need to pass in the base ring, `t`, nor `q` in the above example:: sage: qt_raising_roots_operator([(0, 1)]) R() + (-t-q)*R(1, -1) + t*q*R(2, -2) .. SEEALSO:: :meth:`raising_roots_operator` """ if roots in NonNegativeIntegerSemiring(): roots = RootIdeals().init_staircase(roots) if t is None: t = base_ring.gens()[0] if q is None: q = base_ring.gens()[1] op1 = raising_roots_operator(roots, base_ring=base_ring, t=q) op2 = raising_roots_operator(roots, base_ring=base_ring, t=t) return op2 * op1
[docs]class CatalanFunction: r""" A catalan function `H(\Psi; \gamma)` as discussed in [cat]_ section 4. By definition, .. MATH:: H(\Psi; \gamma) := \prod_{ij \in \Psi} (1 - R_{ij})^{-1} s_\gamma = \prod_{ij \in \Delta^+ \smallsetminus \Psi} (1 - R_{ij}) H_\gamma where `s_\gamma` is a schur function and `H_\gamma` is a Hall-Littlewood Q' function. The parameters for initializing a catalan function are exactly the same as in :meth:`CatalanFunctions.init_from_indexed_root_ideal`. EXAMPLES:: sage: CatalanFunction([(0,2), (1,2)], [6, 6, 5]) H([(0, 2), (1, 2)]; [6, 6, 5]) .. SEEALSO:: There are more ways to initialize a catalan function, and the methods for doing so are found in :class:`CatalanFunctions`. """ BASE_RING_DEFAULT = QQ['t'] PREFIX_DEFAULT = 'H' def __init__(self, roots, index, base_ring=None, prefix=None): assert _is_sequence(index) self.index = index assert root_ideal._is_roots(roots) self.roots = RootIdeal(roots, len(self.index)) self.base_ring = base_ring if base_ring is not None else self.BASE_RING_DEFAULT self.prefix = prefix if prefix is not None else self.PREFIX_DEFAULT def __eq__(self, other): r""" Return whether this catalan function is equal to the catalan function ``other``. EXAMPLES:: sage: cf1 = CatalanFunction([(0,2), (1,2)], [6, 6, 5]) sage: cf2 = CatalanFunction({(1,2), (0,2)}, Partition([6, 6, 5])) sage: cf1 == cf2 True """ # TODO: account for the fact that DIFFERENT root/index pairs could actually give the SAME catalan function!! return self.roots == other.roots and self.index == other.index and self.base_ring == other.base_ring def __repr__(self): r""" Return a human-friendly string representation of this catalan function. EXAMPLES:: sage: cf = CatalanFunction([(0,2), (1,2)], [6, 6, 5]) sage: cf H([(0, 2), (1, 2)]; [6, 6, 5]) """ return '{}({}; {})'.format(self.prefix, self.roots, self.index) def _get_indices_for_index_operator(self): r""" Internal helper function. This method is defined so that an element of any :class:`ShiftingOperatorAlgebra` (such as a raising operator or a pieri operator) can act on this catalan function. EXAMPLES:: sage: cf = CatalanFunction([(0,2), (1,2)], [6, 6, 5]) sage: cf._get_indices_for_index_operator() [6, 6, 5] This is what allows you to do something like:: sage: cf = CatalanFunction([(0,2), (1,2)], [6, 6, 5]) sage: R = RaisingOperatorAlgebra() sage: R.ij(0, 1)(cf) H([(0, 2), (1, 2)]; [7, 5, 5]) .. SEEALSO:: :meth:`_new_object_for_index_operator` """ return self.index def _new_object_for_index_operator(self, new_index): r""" Internal helper function. This method is defined so that an element of any :class:`ShiftingOperatorAlgebra` (such as a raising operator or a pieri operator) can act on this catalan function. Returns a brand new :class:`CatalanFunction`. EXAMPLES:: sage: cf = CatalanFunction([(0,2), (1,2)], [6, 6, 5]) sage: cf._new_object_for_index_operator([7, 5, 5]) H([(0, 2), (1, 2)]; [7, 5, 5]) This is what allows you to do something like:: sage: cf = CatalanFunction([(0,2), (1,2)], [6, 6, 5]) sage: R = RaisingOperatorAlgebra() sage: R.ij(0, 1)(cf) H([(0, 2), (1, 2)]; [7, 5, 5]) .. SEEALSO:: :meth:`_get_indices_for_index_operator` """ new_obj = self.__class__(self.roots, new_index, base_ring=self.base_ring) return new_obj
[docs] def eval(self, t=None): r""" Return the catalan function in terms of the Hall-Littlewood Q' basis. EXAMPLES:: sage: delta_plus = partition_to_root_ideal([2, 1], n=3) sage: cf = CatalanFunction(delta_plus, [3, 1, 1]) sage: cf.eval() HLQp[3, 1, 1] sage: s = SymmetricFunctions(QQ['t']).schur() sage: cf = CatalanFunction([], [4, 1]) sage: cf.eval() HLQp[4, 1] - t*HLQp[5] sage: s(cf.eval()) s[4, 1] This function can also specialize `t` to an arbitrary integer:: sage: cf.eval(t=1) HLQp[4, 1] - HLQp[5] sage: cf.eval(t=-1) HLQp[4, 1] + HLQp[5] sage: s(cf.eval(t=-1)) s[4, 1] .. SEEALSO:: :meth:`expand` """ # setup if t is None: hl = SymmetricFunctions(self.base_ring).hall_littlewood().Qp() t = self.base_ring.gen() else: hl = SymmetricFunctions(self.base_ring).hall_littlewood(t=t).Qp() # formula roots_complement = self.roots.complement() op = raising_roots_operator( roots_complement, base_ring=self.base_ring, t=t) hl_poly = hl(self.index) cat_func = op(hl_poly) return cat_func
[docs] def expand(self, *args, **kwargs): r""" Expand the catalan function as a symmetric polynomial in ``n`` variables. INPUT: - ``n`` -- a nonnegative integer - ``alphabet`` -- (default: ``'x'``) a variable for the expansion OUTPUT: A monomial expansion of ``self`` in the `n` variables labelled ``x0``, ``x1``, ..., ``x{n-1}`` (or just ``x`` if `n = 1`), where ``x`` is ``alphabet``. EXAMPLES:: sage: cf = CatalanFunction([], [4, 1]) sage: cf.expand(1) 0 sage: cf.expand(2) x0^4*x1 + x0^3*x1^2 + x0^2*x1^3 + x0*x1^4 sage: cf.expand(2, alphabet='y') y0^4*y1 + y0^3*y1^2 + y0^2*y1^3 + y0*y1^4 .. SEEALSO:: :meth:`eval` """ return self.eval().expand(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class CatalanFunctions: r""" The family of catalan functions, as discussed in [cat]_ section 4. Use this class as a factory to initialize a :class:`CatalanFunction` object with any valid identifying data. See the ``init_from...`` methods below for all possible ways to create a catalan function. """
[docs] def init_from_indexed_root_ideal(self, roots, index, base_ring=None, prefix=None): r""" INPUTS: - ``roots`` -- iterable of roots `\Phi` (typically a root ideal) - ``index`` -- composition `\gamma` that indexes the root ideal and appears in `s_\gamma` and `H_\gamma` below OPTIONAL INPUTS: - ``base_ring`` -- (default ``QQ['t']``) the ring over which to build the `h_\gamma(x; \alpha)`'s OUTPUTS: The catalan function .. MATH:: H(\Phi; \gamma) := \prod_{ij \in \Phi} (1 - R_{ij})^{-1} s_\gamma = \prod_{ij \in \Delta^+ \smallsetminus \Phi} (1 - R_{ij}) H_\gamma where `s_\gamma` is a schur function and `H_\gamma` is a Hall-Littlewood Q' function. EXAMPLES:: sage: CatalanFunctions().init_from_indexed_root_ideal([(0,2), (1,2)], [6, 6, 5]) H([(0, 2), (1, 2)]; [6, 6, 5]) """ return CatalanFunction(roots, index, base_ring, prefix)
[docs] def init_from_skew_partition(self, sp, base_ring=None, prefix=None, algorithm='removable roots'): r""" Given a skew partition ``sp``, return the catalan function `H(\Phi^+(sp); rs(sp))`. Given a linked :class:`SkewPartition` ``sp``, return the :class:`CatalanFunction` `H(\Phi^+(sp); rs(sp))`. EXAMPLES:: sage: CFS = CatalanFunctions() sage: sp = SkewPartition([[2, 1, 1], [1]]) sage: CFS.init_from_skew_partition(sp) H([(0, 1), (0, 2)]; [1, 1, 1]) .. SEEALSO:: :meth:`init_from_row_and_column_lengths` """ ri = RootIdeals().init_from_skew_partition(sp, type='max', algorithm=algorithm) rs = sp.row_lengths() return self.init_from_indexed_root_ideal(ri, rs, base_ring, prefix)
[docs] def init_from_row_and_column_lengths(self, row_lengths, column_lengths, base_ring=None, prefix=None, algorithm='removable roots'): r""" Determine the skew partition `D` with row-shape ``row_lengths`` and column-shape ``column_lengths``, and return the catalan function `H(\Phi^+(D); \text{row_lengths})`. EXAMPLES:: sage: CFS = CatalanFunctions() sage: CFS.init_from_row_and_column_lengths([1, 1, 1], [2, 1]) H([(0, 1), (0, 2)]; [1, 1, 1]) .. SEEALSO:: :meth:`init_from_skew_partition` """ sp = SkewPartitions().from_row_and_column_length(row_lengths, column_lengths) return self.init_from_skew_partition(sp, base_ring=base_ring, prefix=prefix, algorithm=algorithm)
[docs] def init_from_k_shape(self, p, k, base_ring=None, prefix=None, algorithm='removable roots'): r""" Given ``k`` and a `k`-shape ``p``, return the catalan function `H(\Phi^+(p); rs(p))`. EXAMPLES:: sage: CFS = CatalanFunctions() sage: CFS.init_from_k_shape([4, 3, 2, 1], 1) H([]; [4, 3, 2, 1]) """ assert is_k_shape(p, k) sp = SkewPartition([p, []]) return self.init_from_skew_partition(sp, base_ring=base_ring, prefix=prefix, algorithm=algorithm)
[docs] def init_from_k_schur(self, func, base_ring=None, prefix=None): r""" Given a `k`-schur function ``func`` `= s^k_\lambda(x;t)`, initialize the catalan function `H(\Delta^k(\lambda); \lambda)`. Mathematically, these two functions are equal. The usefulness of this method is that you input a ``sage.combinat.sf.new_kschur.kSchur_with_category`` object and you obtain a :class:`CatalanFunction` object. EXAMPLES:: sage: base_ring = QQ['t'] sage: Sym = SymmetricFunctions(base_ring) sage: t = base_ring.gen() sage: ks = Sym.kBoundedSubspace(4, t).kschur() sage: func = ks[2, 1, 1] sage: CatalanFunction(func, base_ring=base_ring) H([]; [2, 1, 1]) """ # TODO: make sure [] above is correct. go by hand. # check inputs assert _is_k_schur(func) assert len( == 1 # gather roots index =[0] k = func.parent().k roots = partition_to_k_schur_root_ideal(index, k) # initialize from roots and index return self.init_from_indexed_root_ideal(roots, index, base_ring, prefix)
[docs] def init_parabolic_from_composition_and_index(self, composition, index, base_ring=None, prefix=None): r""" Given a composition `\eta` of positive integers and an index `\gamma`, return the parabolic catalan function `H(\Delta(\eta), \gamma)`, where .. math:: \Delta(\eta) := \{ \alpha \in \Delta^+_{|\eta|} \:\text{above the block diagonal with block sizes}\: \eta_1, \ldots, \eta_r\} as in [cat]_ just below Conjecture 3.3. EXAMPLES:: sage: CatalanFunctions().init_parabolic_from_composition_and_index([1, 3, 2], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]) H([(0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 3), (0, 4), (0, 5), (1, 4), (1, 5), (2, 4), (2, 5), (3, 4), (3, 5)]; [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]) """ ri = RootIdeals().init_parabolic_from_composition(composition) return self.init_from_indexed_root_ideal(ri, index, base_ring, prefix)
[docs]def k_plus_one_core_to_k_schur_function(p, k, base_ring=QQ['t']): r""" Given a `k+1`-core ``p``, the natural number ``k`` itself, and optionally a ``base_ring``, return the corresponding `k`-schur function. """ # TODO: compare the performance of this function to existing k-schur function. p = Core(p, k+1) return k_shape_to_catalan_function(p, k, base_ring)
[docs]class InfiniteDimensionalFreeAlgebra(CombinatorialFreeModule): r""" By default, the algebra generated by ``x[0], x[1], x[2], ...`` over the integers. To change the index set of the generators, use ``index_set=`` (default ``NN``). To overhaul the set of generators entirely (not recommended), use ``basis_indices=``. To change the ring that the algebra works over, use ``base_ring=`` (default ``ZZ``). To change the prefix of the generators, use ``prefix=`` (default ``'x'``). .. SEEALSO:: sage.algebras.free_algebra,, sage.monoids.free_monoid, sage.monoids.free_abelian_monoid """ def __init__(self, base_ring=IntegerRing(), prefix='x', basis_indices=None, index_set=NonNegativeIntegerSemiring()): self._base_ring = base_ring self._index_set = index_set self._basis_monoid = FreeMonoid( index_set=self._index_set, commutative=True, prefix=prefix) if basis_indices is None else basis_indices # category category = Algebras(self._base_ring.category() ).WithBasis().Commutative() category = category.or_subcategory(category) # init CombinatorialFreeModule.__init__( self, self._base_ring, self._basis_monoid, category=category, prefix='', bracket=False) # TODO: make a SEPARATE class called InfiniteDimensionalFreeRing or similar # self._init_category_(CommutativeRings()) # i think .Commutative() above is a better solution
[docs] def is_prime_field(self): r""" Return whether the infinite dimensional free algebra is a prime field (it never is!). Note that this method exists for internal compatability. EXAMPLES:: sage: A = InfiniteDimensionalFreeAlgebra() sage: A.is_prime_field() False """ return False
def _element_constructor_(self, monoid_el): r""" Return the element whose index is ``monoid_el``. Note: This method is only for basis elements. This method for internal use. EXAMPLES:: .. SEEALSO:: :meth:`__getitem__` """ assert monoid_el in self._basis_monoid return self.basis()[monoid_el] def __getitem__(self, user_input): r""" Given an integer ``user_input``, return the corresponding basis element. EXAMPLES:: sage: A = InfiniteDimensionalFreeAlgebra() sage: A[4] x[4] .. SEEALSO:: :meth:`_element_constructor_` """ # USER front entrance to creating elements "x[4]" assert user_input in IntegerRing() monoid_el = self._basis_monoid.gen(user_input) return self.basis()[monoid_el]
[docs] @cached_method def one_basis(self): r""" Return the index of the identity element. EXAMPLES:: sage: A.one_basis() 1 """ return
[docs] def product_on_basis(self, monoid_el1, monoid_el2): r""" Given indices ``monoid_el1`` and ``monoid_el2``, return the product of the basis elements indexed by those indices. """ monoid_el_product = monoid_el1 * monoid_el2 return self._element_constructor_(monoid_el_product)
def _repr_(self): r""" Return a human-friendly string representation of this infinite-dimensional free algebra. EXAMPLES:: sage: F = InfiniteDimensionalFreeAlgebra() sage: F InfiniteDimensionalFreeAlgebra_with_category with generators indexed by Non negative integer semiring, over Integer Ring sage: F = InfiniteDimensionalFreeAlgebra(base_ring=QQ, index_set=ZZ) sage: F InfiniteDimensionalFreeAlgebra_with_category with generators indexed by Integer Ring, over Rational Field """ return "{class_name} with generators indexed by {index_set}, over {base_ring}".format(class_name=self.__class__.__name__, base_ring=self._base_ring, index_set=self._index_set)
DoubleRing = InfiniteDimensionalFreeAlgebra(prefix='a', index_set=IntegerRing()) r""" ``DoubleRing`` is the ring `\Lambda(a)` found in [Fun]_ section 3. EXAMPLES:: sage: DoubleRing InfiniteDimensionalFreeAlgebra_with_category with generators indexed by Integer Ring, over Integer Ring .. SEEALSO:: :class:`InfiniteDimensionalFreeAlgebra` """
[docs]def dual_k_theoretic_homogeneous(k, r, base_ring=QQ): r""" The dual K-theoretic h, often denoted Kh, is defined for any integer `k` by the formula `h_k(x, r) = \sum_{i=0}^{k} \binom{r + i - 1}{i} h_{k - i}(x)` in [LN]_ p.88 top-right. If ``k`` and ``r`` are compositions, then it is recursively defined as `h_k(x, r) := \prod_j h_{k_j}(x, r_j)`. EXAMPLES:: sage: dual_k_theoretic_homogeneous(0, 0) 1 sage: dual_k_theoretic_homogeneous(1, 2, base_ring=QQ['t']) h[1] + 2 sage: dual_k_theoretic_homogeneous([2, 1], [1, 1]) h[1]**2 + h[1]*h[2] + 2*h[1] + h[2] + 1 .. SEEALSO:: :meth:`dual_k_catalan_function` """ if _is_sequence(k): # pad with 0's max_len = max(len(k), len(r)) k = list(k) + [0] * (max_len - len(k)) r = list(r) + [0] * (max_len - len(r)) # multiply h_list = [dual_k_theoretic_homogeneous( k_el, r_el, base_ring) for k_el, r_el in zip(k, r)] return reduce(operator.mul, h_list) else: assert k >= 0 h = SymmetricFunctions(base_ring).h() return sum(binomial(r + i - 1, i) * h[k - i] for i in range(k + 1))
[docs]def dual_k_catalan_function(roots, index, index2, base_ring=QQ): r""" INPUTS: - ``roots`` -- iterable of roots `\Phi` (typically a :class:`RootIdeal`) - ``index`` -- composition `\gamma` that indexes `h_\gamma(x; \alpha)` - ``index2`` -- composition `\alpha` used in `h_\gamma(x; \alpha)` OPTIONAL INPUTS: - ``base_ring`` -- (default ``QQ``) the ring over which to build the `h_\gamma(x; \alpha)`'s OUTPUTS: The 'dual k' catalan function .. MATH:: \prod_{ij \in \Delta^+ \smallsetminus \Phi} (1 - R_{ij}) h_\gamma(x; \alpha). .. SEEALSO:: :meth:`dual_k_theoretic_homogeneous`, :meth:`dual_grothendieck_function` """ # setup Kh = dual_k_theoretic_homogeneous(index, index2, base_ring=base_ring) # formula roots = RootIdeal(roots, n=len(index)) roots_complement = roots.complement() op = raising_roots_operator(roots_complement, base_ring=base_ring, t=1) cat_func = op(Kh) return cat_func
[docs]def dual_grothendieck_function(composition, base_ring=QQ): r""" Given a composition `composition = \lambda`, return the dual Grothendieck function defined by `g_\lambda(x) = \text{det}(h_{\lambda_i + j - i}(x, i - 1))` in [LN]_ p.88 equation (4). Equivalently, the dual Grothendieck function is `g_\lambda(x) = \prod_{ij \in \Delta^+} (1 - R_{ij}) h_\lambda(x; (0, 1, \ldots, n-1))`. EXAMPLES:: sage: h = SymmetricFunctions(QQ).h() sage: dual_grothendieck_function([2, 1]) h[1]*h[2] + h[2] - h[3] .. SEEALSO:: :meth:`dual_k_catalan_function` """ roots = [] # because dual_k_catalan_function will take the complement n = len(composition) reversed_staircase_ptn = list(reversed(staircase_shape(n))) return dual_k_catalan_function(roots, composition, reversed_staircase_ptn, base_ring=base_ring)
[docs]def double_homogeneous_building_block(p, n): r""" The double complete homogeneous symmetric polynomial "building block" `h_p(x || a)`. Defined as .. MATH:: h_p(x_1, \ldots, x_n \,||\, a) \,= \sum_{n \geq i_1 \geq \ldots \geq i_p \geq 1} (x_{i_1} - a_{i_1})(x_{i_2} - a_{i_2 - 1}) \cdots (x_{i_p} - a_{i_p - p + 1}) in [Fun]_ section 3 between equation (6) and (7). Note that our indices are 0-based. .. SEEALSO:: :class:`DoubleHomogeneous`, :meth:`double_homogeneous_building_block_shifted`, :meth:`shift` """ a = DoubleRing sym = SymmetricFunctions(DoubleRing) s = sym.s() one = one_poly = one.expand(n) x = one_poly.parent().gens() ptns = Partitions(max_part=n, length=p) total_sum = 0 for ptn in ptns: summand = prod([(x[ptn[b]] - a[ptn[b] - b]) for b in range(p)], total_sum += summand return total_sum
[docs]def shift(element): r""" The function `\tau` which acts on any element of `\Lambda(a)` (``DoubleRing``) by sending each element `a_i` to `a_{i+1}` for all `i`. It can be found in [Fun]_ p.8 between equations (6) and (7). .. SEEALSO:: :meth:`double_homogeneous_building_block_shifted`, :meth:`double_homogeneous_building_block` """ # idea, use .hom ``f = ZZ.hom(GF(3))`` # sage: R.<x> = ZZ[] # sage: f = R.hom([x]) # idea, define something on x[i] in general and take the induces hom # idea, manual a = DoubleRing new_monomials = [] for monomial, coeff in element.monomialomial_coefficients(): new_factors = [] for factor in monomial: new_factor = a(factor.index() + 1) new_factors.append(new_factor) new_monomial = coeff * prod(new_factors) new_monomials.append(new_monomial) new_element = a.sum(new_monomials) return new_element
[docs]def double_homogeneous_building_block_shifted(r, s, n): r""" Given `r` and `s`, returns `h_{r, s} = \tau^s h_r(x \,||\, a)`, as defined in [Fun]_ before eq (8). .. SEEALSO:: :class:`DoubleHomogeneous`, :meth:`double_homogeneous_building_block`, :meth:`shift` """ if n > 0: out = double_homogeneous_building_block(r, n) for _ in range(s): out = shift(out) return out else: raise NotImplemented
[docs]class DoubleHomogeneous: r""" INPUTS: ``mu1`` -- composition ``mu2`` -- composition ``n`` -- number of `x` variables EXAMPLES: Create the double homogeneous `h^{(4)}_{\mu, \beta}`:: sage: DoubleHomogeneous(mu, beta, 4) Create the double homogeneous shifted building block `h_{r, s}` in 4 variables:: sage: r = 5 sage: s = 2 sage: DoubleHomogeneous([r], [s], 4) Create the double homogeneous symmetric building block `h_p(x \,||\, a)` in 4 variables:: sage: p = 3 sage: DoubleHomogeneous([p], [0], 4) """ def __init__(self, index1, index2, prefix='h'): self.index1 = index1 self.index2 = index2 self.prefix = prefix def __repr__(self): r""" For example, h(n)[mu, beta], which represents `h^{(n)}_{\mu, \beta}`. """ return '{}({})[{}, {}]'.format(self.prefix, self.n, self.index1, self.index2) def _get_indices_for_index_operator(self): r""" Internal helper function. This method is defined so that an element of any :class:`ShiftingOperatorAlgebra` (such as a raising operator) can act on this double homogeneous function. """ pair = (self.index1, self.index2) return pair def _new_object_for_index_operator(self, indices): r""" Internal helper function. This method is defined so that an element of any :class:`ShiftingOperatorAlgebra` (such as a raising operator) can act on this double homogeneous function. """ (index1, index2) = indices new_obj = self.__class__(index1, index2, self.n) return new_obj
[docs] def eval(self, n): r""" Given the number of variables ``n``, return ``self`` expanded in terms of the shifted double homogeneous building blocks `h_{r, s}`. """ (mu1, mu2) = (self.index1, self.index2) # pad with 0's max_len = max(len(mu1), len(mu2)) mu1 = list(mu1) + [0] * (max_len - len(mu1)) mu2 = list(mu2) + [0] * (max_len - len(mu2)) # compute h_list = [double_homogeneous_shifted( mu1[i], mu2[i], n) for i in range(max_len)] hp = prod(h_list) return hp
def expand(self): raise NotImplemented
[docs]def double_schur(index, n): r""" Given a composition ``index`` `= \lambda` and the number of variables `n`, return the double Schur function defined by .. MATH:: s_\lambda(x_1, \ldots, x_n \,||\, a) = \text{det}\left(h^{(n)}_{\lambda_i + i - j, j - 1}\right) or equivalently, defined by .. MATH:: s_\lambda(x_1, \ldots, x_n \,||\, a) = \prod_{ij \in \Delta^+(l)} (1 - R_{ij}) h^{(n)}_{\lambda, (0, \ldots, l-1)} where `l` is the length of `\lambda`, in [Fun]_ p.9 equation (9). """ l = len(index) op = raising_roots_operator(l, base_ring=ZZ, t=1) rho = list(reversed(staircase_shape(l))) h_index = DoubleHomogeneous(index, rho, n) return op(h_index)
[docs]def double_catalan_function(roots, index, n): r""" Given some ``roots`` (typically a :class:`RootIdeal`), an ``index``, and the something something of the double homemgeneous function ``n``, return the corresponding double catalan function. """ # TODO: test this # setup l = len(index) rho = list(reversed(staircase_shape(l))) h_index = DoubleHomogeneous(index, rho, n) # formula roots_complement = root_ideal.complement(roots, l) # TODO: see what to pass in for base_ring in below line. op = raising_roots_operator(roots_complement, t=1) cat_func = op(h_index) return cat_func
[docs]def substitute(f, t=None, q=None): r""" Given a symmetric function ``f``, plug the inputted ``t`` and ``q`` values into it and return the resulting function. .. SEEALSO:: :meth:`SymmetricFunctionAlgebra_schur_with_category.element_class.plethysm`, :meth:`ungraded` """ # a t value of 'None' will leave t as-is. basis = f.parent() base_ring = f.base_ring() s = SymmetricFunctions(base_ring) f_s = s(f) coeffs = f_s.coefficients() # Necessary because otherwise coeffs and monomials don't line up monomials = sorted(f_s.monomials()) specialized_coeffs = [coeff.substitute(t=t, q=q) for coeff in coeffs] combine = zip(specialized_coeffs, monomials) ungraded_f_s = sum(coeff * monom for (coeff, monom) in combine) ungraded_f = basis(ungraded_f_s) return ungraded_f
[docs]def ungraded(f): r""" Given a symmetric function ``f``, return the result of plugging in `t = 1`. .. SEEALSO:: :meth:`substitute` """ return substitute(f, t=1)